We've collaborated with Berried Alive to develop a set of original versatile amp simulators
that will cover most of your tonal needs.
Each of the 3 amps have settings for different guitar tone styles ranging from a crisp, clean tone all the way up to a high-gain lead tone.
Berried Alive has used it on a lot of the music on Our Own Light and on the upcoming album,
and now you too can access these tones and more.
A two channel high gain mid voiced amplifier.
Perfect for cut through leads or chugging mid focused rhythms, Blueberry can fit anywhere in your mix.
A two channel high gain scooped voiced amplifier.
Perfect for fuzzy scorching rhythms, and at home in strummed power chords,
Redberry's two channels have what it takes to get the job done.
A two channel crunch and clean machine.
Lush clean tones and driving crunch rhythms, Greenberry is where it's at for dynamic tracks.
Extra Modules
Berry Amp also includes a gate pedal, a screamer pedal,
a dual band booster pedal, and a harmonizer for leads!
3D Cabs
Berry Amp also includes 5 fully adjustable 3D Cabs
You can demo and mix and match all of our amp sims inside Amp Locker.