See if any of these FAQs can help you with your problem, if not you can contact us
You don't need to download any products apart from Amp Locker or Mix Locker, simply download the latest one from here, and activate it in Amp Locker/Mix Locker
Audio Assault Downloads
5db5 Plugins are downloaded individually
5db5 Downloads
You can manage your subscription in the members area
Click on the Manage Subscription button once inside your account, if you cannot see it click on "Update Orders" and it should appear.
Alternatively, you can manage it with the link from your original purchase email.
You will have to contact us as this is done manually, please see the bottom of the page
You will have to contact us as this is done manually, please see the bottom of the page.
Please let us know if you would like to get a ReAmp2 License or $49 of store credit.
If you cancel your subscription you will lose access to any amps or modules you don't own
Amp Locker and Mix Locker are free, as they are a hub for our products and not a product itself
They both include free modules, and paid modules.
You can only use offline activation to activate them, the offline activator is archived here.
Join the members area, or get your purchase email resent here
Click Here
If the product doesn't work on your computer or you accidentally bought the same product twice, you can get a refund. please email us and we will sort it out.
Product updates are automatically sent to you through e-mail or your user area.
If you don’t remember how to access your user area or you lost your link, enter your email
Click Here
Nope, our copy protection is very simple, we keep our prices low and we chose not to invest in copy protection that will eventually get cracked either way.
You may only install the plugins on any machine(s) of which you are the sole user. You may not install the plugin on any machine that could potentially redistribute the plugin to other computers.
Audio Assault Plug-ins are compatible with most major DAWs on both Windows and OS X, as long as your DAW supports either AU/VS3/RTAS or AAX formats, the plug-ins should be compatible.
On Linux it gets trickier since there are way too many distros and variations, you can download the demo versions to see if they work for you
Check you have the latest version, you can download it here
If you still can't find it, make sure you are looking for it in the amp selector menu at the bottom of the screen, not all amps are guaranteed to come with presets.
Click on the Input Jack icon next to the Input Level Knob and select either (L) or (R) mono to stereo.
If you want to manually install a 3D Cab, download the IR Pack from your members area, unzip it and look for a 3D Cab folder.
You should find a .aacabpack file there, open an instance of Amp Locker, go to the cab section and drag the file into the 3D cab image on either side.
This cab is in an older format* so you must click on the cab selector menu under the cab and it will start converting the cab you dragged in.
Close your instance of amp locker and reload it (you don't have to close the DAW) and your cab should be there.
*The automatic cab downloader in amp locker downloads the cabs in the new format, and we will update the files in the downloads in the future.
Go to the cab screen, click on the cab selector menu under the cab image, and at the very top there should be an IR Loader option.
The IR loader works like a file browser, at the top left corner of the IR Loader, where it says Factory IRs, is a drop down where you can store your most used IR folders.
You can use that menu to add any IR folder you have, you can also just drag a folder from your file manager into the IR Loader to add it to the list, or drag in a .wav to load it in directly.
You have a demo version of some sort of module somewhere in your chain.
You can remove the module, or purchase it.
Click the eye icon at the top right corner of the menu
Load the new amp from the amp menu, and click the activate button on the top left, or go to the settings menu cog at the top right corner of Amp Locker and click Activate Licenses.
Enter your email if it's not been already entered, click next and select Online or Offline activation and your amp should activate.
If you don't see your product in the list at the end of activation while using online mode, you might have typed the wrong email when purchasing.
Support emails are answered within 48-72 hours Monday to Friday
We have only have one support person so please be patient
Emails in English or Spanish please
Please type your message in the text field in your email app, not the subject line
You can also reach us on the Audio Assault Users Group on Facebook